After GEnie

I tried out AOL again and briefly went back to Prodigy which was back to a flat rate by then, but neither really worked out. Then BellSouth decided to become an Internet provider. I signed up and have been with them every since although I have tried a few others from time to time.

I also decided to learn .html and built a webpage as part of the process. That webpage still exists. I call it THE NORTHSIDER and it is mostly about me, my family, hometown, and growing up experiences. It was not until recently that I felt I had something to offer to the fandom that had not already been done before.

So "The Beauty and the Beast of It Webring" was born in an effort to create an All Season Webring that was open to all who appreciate the "Beauty and the Beast" legend, and not necessarily just our Beauty and the Beast. In other words trying something a little different.

This article will be a part of "The Beauty and the Beast Webring" Hub which spans over several websites in an attempt to spread out the usage of bandwidth.

I have also included a number of screen captures, a lot of them "targeted" screen captures which to say "want to know what a specific BATB character looked like, what Catherine's apartment looked like, or need a tour of the tunnels?" You can find it here. This will also include Third Season screen captures which I am in the process of making. I plan to proportionally have more Third Season screen captures than "Classic" simply because they are harder to find elsewhere in the fandom.

I have also recently taken an interest in making videos and have a number of BATB oriented videos on YouTube. They can be found here.

Soon I hope to have more up on the subject of videos, like help on making them, but that is it for now.